Water, Sanitation and Irrigation CS Eng. Eric Mugaa did a two day inspection tour of irrigation projects in Baringo County. He was accompanied by PS Irrigation Ephantus Kimotho Kimani – PS, Chairman NIA Eng. Gilbert Maluki, CEO Eng. Charles Muasya, MBS and senior officers from the Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation and National Irrigation Authority.
He was received at Emining by the Baringo County Commissioner Stephen Kutwa, Mogotio MP Hon. Reuben Kiborek, Eldama Ravine MP Hon. Musa Sirma among other Baringo County leaders. The team held a consultative meeting at Emining before going to Cheraik Irrigation Project in Eldama Ravine.
While at Cheraik Irrigation Project, the CS inspected ongoing pipe laying and connection. He also inspected a farm that is already utilizing the irrigation water to grow tomatoes. He encouraged the farmers to ensure maximum utilization of the irrigation water for increased food production as envisaged in the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BeTA).
After inspection of Cheraik Irrigation Project, the CS and his team visited the proposed Radat Dam site where they held a meeting with the project beneficiaries. The beneficiaries confirmed that they are ready to support the project and requested the Government to ensure compensation of the Project Affected Persons (PAPs) during implementation.
The leaders present Hon. Reuben Kiborek of Mogotio, Hon. Charles Kamuren of Baringo South and Hon. Musa Sirma of Eldama Ravine pledged to support the project and requested the Ministry to hasten its implementation so that the region’s irrigable potential is fully exploited.
The CS confirmed that the Government will work closely with the National Lands Commission to ensure all the land issues are addressed. He further promised to ensure all environmental and livelihood issues are addressed during the ongoing feasibility studies.
The Dam will stabilise water flows in River Perkerra and help in optimal expansion of the scheme to about 8,000 acres. It will also open up new areas for irrigation within Baringo County and help address the perennial water shortage in the region.
The last project visited by the CS in Day one was Komolion drought mitigation irrigation project in Tiaty Constituency, where he was received by the area MP Hon. William Kamket. This is an ongoing project aimed at irrigating 100 acres of land targeting 100 farmers to enhance food security and improve farm income for the community.
It is expected to create employment and wealth for 1,000 households directly and 2,000 households indirectly and improve nutrition through the production of Horticultural crops whose average income is KShs. 250,000. The project is 69% complete with its expected to be completed in February 2025. During the visit, NIA assured the CS of completing the project within the set timeline.
He urged NIA’s management to ensure the works are completed as scheduled for the residents of Tiaty to benefit from the project and increase area under irrigation to enhance food production and self reliance.
He also promised a borehole to Komolion Primary School to support their daily requirements as well as introduce irrigated agriculture in the school.
Water, Sanitation, and Irrigation CS Eng. Eric Mugaa started his day two inspection tour of irrigation projects in Baringo County with a consultative meeting with national and county government leaders and officials. The meeting was meant to explore the potential of getting irrigation water from Lake Baringo and review plans aimed at bridging the food security gap in the county and the country at large.
Present during the meeting were PS Irrigation CPA Ephantus Kimotho, CBS, Chairman NIA Eng. Gilbert Maluki, CEO Eng. Charles Muasya, MBS, and senior officers from the Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation, National Irrigation Authority, Kenya Power and Lighting Company and Geothermal Development Company.
The area MP’s present were Hon. Charles Kamuren, Hon. Reuben Kiborek of Mogotio, Hon. William Kamket of Tiaty, the Deputy County Governor, Baringo County, a host of CEC’s and MCA’s.
Extensive studies have been conducted on water availability in Baringo and soil viability for crop production. Additionally, various proposals were presented as potential pathways for implementing viable irrigation projects.
Feedback was given on all the presentations and as a way forward, it was agreed to have a technical team comprising of all stakeholders update the presentations incorporating the feedback. A meeting to present the revised document will be convened by the Ministry.
After the stakeholders meeting, the CS visited Perkerra Irrigation Scheme. The Scheme has a gazetted area of 5,800 acres out of which 2,750 acres is currently under irrigation benefitting 1,625 households.
The crops grown in the scheme include seed maize, legumes and horticultural crops and generates approximately 457.6 million into the economy annually from seed maize production. Its benefits stretch beyond Baringo County through food supply, job creation, water supply, economic growth of Marigat municipality, improved standards of living, sociopolitical stability among others.
The CS was pleased with the works done in ensuring continuous food production. During a meeting with the scheme farmers, he pledged to fast track the implementation of Radat dam to enable the scheme’s expansion and cropping throughout the year.
The CS concluded his two-day inspection tour of irrigation projects in Baringo County with the launch of Maji Moto Irrigation Project in Mogotio Constituency, a project that commenced construction in November 4, 2024.
Upon completion, the project will create employment and wealth for about 1,000 households directly and 2,000 households indirectly. It is also expected to enhance food security and improve income through sale of farm produce.
The major components of the project include; construction of 3 No. Diversion weirs and intakes, installation of Solar System, construction of Pump house in each intake, installation of Submersible Pump, construction of Main pipeline of diameter 125mm- 920m, construction of Rising main of diameter 75mm- 1780m (For Kipyakwayi, Kaptoicho, Kabingo and Kabober villages), construction of 4 No. Masonry Tanks for each of the villages, construction of distribution, lateral and Infield systems (Pipe Works). The project is currently at 7% completion and it’s expected to be completed in November, 2025.
The CS urged NIA to ensure completion of the project within the set timelines for the residents to benefit from the project and ensure additional acreage is brought under irrigation as envisioned in the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BeTA).