
The National Irrigation Authority (NIA) is committed to developing sustainable and efficient irrigation systems that promote socio-economic growth in Kenya. The Authority’s Strategic Plan 2023-2027 outlines a pathway towards achieving a food-secure and prosperous nation through effective irrigation development, coordination, and management. This plan aligns with the Kenya Vision 2030, the Fourth Medium Term Plan (MTP IV), the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA), the Constitution of Kenya and other relevant policy guidelines.

The plan is also aligned with global and regional agendas such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the African Union Agenda 2063 and the East African Community Vision 2050. It is built upon five Key Result Areas (KRAs):

  • Sustainable Irrigation Management
  • Irrigation Research and Innovation.
  • Sustainable Irrigation Development
  • Reliable Water for Irrigation
  • Governance and Service Delivery

These Key Result Areas inform the Authority’s strategic goals which include: improving productivity of irrigation schemes, enhancing productivity of irrigated agriculture, sustainable exploitation and development of irrigation potential, securing reliable water for irrigation and a robust and dynamic Institution.

To ensure sustainability and reliability of water sources for irrigation, the Authority plans to sustainably exploit the existing irrigation potential and secure reliable water for irrigation through construction of dams, household water pans and rehabilitation of community small dams among others.

The plan underscores the importance of partnerships, prioritizing collaboration with County Governments, County Irrigation Development Units (CIDUs), development partners, the private sector, local communities and other stakeholders to achieve NIA’s goals over the next five years.


The Authority is working towards sustainable irrigation management in order to:

  • Ensure optimum utilization of all existing irrigation schemes.
  • Increase irrigated rice & maize production from 192,299 tons & 195,921 (90kg) bags in FY 2022/23 to 700,000 & 3.0M (90kg) bags in FY 2027/28 respectively
  • Strengthen collaborations with stakeholders including Counties/CIDUs, development partners, private sector and communities among others

The Authority will optimize adoption of operational research on irrigation technologies and production.

The Authority will increase the area under irrigation from 711,993 acres in FY 2022/2023 to 1,289,142 acres in 2027/28.

The Authority will increase the capacity of water harvested and stored for irrigation from the current 55.4 MCM in FY2022/2023 to 330 MCM by 2027/2028.

  • Enhance Governance Capacity of NIA.
  • Enhance Institutional Capacity of NIA.
  • Develop and adopt appropriate Policy, Legal and Regulatory Framework.
  • Enhance financial sustainability.
  • Enhance Audit, Quality Assurance and Risk Management.
  • Establish Environmental and Social Safeguards.
  • Promote smart technologies and innovation.
  • Enhance a positive Branding and Corporate Image for enhanced service delivery, sustained stakeholder engagement and support

Strategic Framework