Background Information

West Kano Irrigation Scheme is located in the Kano plains between Nandi escarpment and Nyabondo plateau on the shores of Lake Victoria in Kisumu County. The scheme was constructed in the year 1974 and become operational in 1976. The scheme has 837 farmers with gross area of 4396 acres. The gross farm land area is 2230 acre and farm size of 2-4 acres per farmer. The scheme irrigation water is abstracted by pumping from Lake Victoria and water drainage is also by pumping back to the Lake.The scheme has a population dependent of about 30,000 people

Statistical Data

  • Location/County – Kisumu County
  • Year of establishment – 1974
  • Gazetted Area – 4,450 Acres
  • Main Crop – Rice
  • Area under Irrigation – 2,830 Acres
  • Source of irrigation water – Lake Victoria
  • No. of household farmers – 1,300 farmers and 14,000 dependants
  • Type of irrigation – Water is abstracted by pumping from Lake Victoria and water drainage is also by pumping back to the Lake.
  • Other Crops :soya beans, maize, watermelon, vegetables and tomatoes

Current Status

The main crop grown in West Kano is rice. The schemes produce 7, 900 Metric Tonnes (MT) annually.

Projected Benefits/ Benefits being realized

It is expected that by the end of this season a total of 5352 tonnes of paddy rice will be harvested and gross income of 187.3 million realized.

Other benefits include;

food security, and employment.