1 Eng. Charles M. Muasya, MBS Chief Executive Officer
2 Mr. Daniel M. Atula Deputy General Manager, Corporate Services
3 Mr. Joel K. Tanui Ag. Deputy General Manager, Operations and Irrigation Management Services
4 Eng. Loise W. Kahiga Ag. Deputy General Manager, Infrastructure & Irrigation Development Services
5 Eng. Jairus Serede Ag. Deputy General Manager, Research Planning and Strategy
6 Eng. Henry O. Ochiere Chief Engineer
7 Ms. Nancy M. Wambugu Chief Officer, ICT
8 Ms. Jedidah N. Oduori Chief Officer, Finance
9 Ms. Victoria A. Aloo Chief Officer, Human Resource and Administration
10 Mr. Daniel M. Nzonzo, HSC Head of Corporate Communication
11 Ms. Evelyn O. Akoth Head of Procurement and Supply Chain
12 Mr. Joseph K. Kigotho Head of Internal Audit

Management Team