
Bura Irrigation and Settlement Scheme

TPeter, a farmer in Bura Irrigation Scheme in his 3 acre farm after a good harvest of a newly introduced Komboka rice variety. The farmers are practicing mechanized rice harvesting which is time and cost effective. Peter is also creating employment to the youth during land preparation, weeding and packaging of the paddy rice. The estimated yield per acre is 30 to 35 bags. The market for the crop is already established: National Cereals and Produce Board; buying at Kshs.40 per Kg. The Scheme has put 495 acres under rice in different growth stages in the current cropping season.

A youth inspecting a sun flower in his farm. This is a newly introduced crop in Bura Irrigation Scheme. 87 acres has been cropped in this season under contract farming between the Scheme and BIDCO Africa LTD.

Bura Irrigation Scheme is also cropping green grams, commercial maize, watermelon, bulb onions, cotton and other mixed crops. The irrigation potential of the Scheme is 25,000 acres with 12,000 acres already developed and 9,000 acres actively in utilization. The Scheme contributes to the economy of Bura and Tana River County directly and indirectly. In the 2016/2017 FY, farmers earned Kshs.60 million, Kshs.15 million in 2017-18FY , Kshs.28 million in 2018-2019 and Kshs.39 million in 2019/20 seasons, through seed maize contracted farming by Kenya Seed Company Limited. Averagely farmers earn Kshs.200million annually from horticultural crops’ production i.e. Watermelon, Tomatoes and Bulb onions and Kshs.150 million from rice, commercial maize, pulses and cotton production.