Programme Goals and Objectives

The implementation of the projects under this program will increase access to water by communities to support their livelihoods mainly agricultural production and watering their animals. Management of water resources in Kenya, being a scarce resource is a daunting task and requires innovative approaches. It is expected that after completion of the project, household incomes will increase significantly. This together with increased food security will reduce the present poverty level index. The broad objectives of the programme include;

  • Ensuring food security by supporting provision of water for agriculture and livestock at the local level and contributing towards the same at the national level.
  • Creation of employment and income generation for the residents
  • Improve and increase livelihood options and household incomes – through sales of their produce, the community will earn more money with subsequent enhanced living standards. The employed will also be paid for their services hence improving their livelihood
  • Improve the nutritional value of crops for the residents

The specific objectives include;

  • Construction of 125,000 localised water storage resevoirs at household level to harvest 1000-3000m3 of rainfall runoff in 24 counties by 2022 to harness approximately 125million cubic of water.
  • Increase access to water for irrigation for communities with limited access to traditional water sources to support agricultural production on 58,000 acres
  • Enhance agricultural production for farmers to increase their food security and earnings

In addition to these overall project objectives, the pilot phases (phase 1 and II) were implemented with the aim of: –

  • Testing the proposed approach
  • Firm up on community mobilization and farmer engagement
  • Interest other players to partner with the Authority in the execution of the project.

The above objectives were met hence the rolling out of phase 2, 3, 4 and 5.

Justification and Proposed Approach

In 2016/17 for instance, 24 counties namely Narok, Kajiado, Taita-Taveta, Kilifi, Kwale, Tana River, Kitui, Makueni, Marsabit, West Pokot, Tharaka-Nithi, Samburu, Wajir, Mandera, Lamu, Laikipia, Isiolo and Garissa were hard hit by drought and experienced a decline in food and livestock production as well as water supply. This has been a recurring phenomenon that leaves the affected communities very vulnerable. There is need to provide localized access to water solutions to build resilience against drought for these communities as well as provide for their livelihoods and wellbeing.

The proposed approach to realizing localized water access solution is to provide micro water harvesting and storage reservoirs with an aim of harnessing surface water resulting from intermittent rainfall received in the area. The reservoirs should be positioned such that water collected from natural depressions/drains and storm water from roads is easily directed to maximize on the collection. Being localized, and ease of management and ownership, it is proposed that these reservoirs are provided at household level. Subsequently, the water collected will be used to support production of crops of choice on one acre of land using drip system.

Project Status

As at January 2021, the programme had achieved accumulative water storage capacity of 24,124,741 cubic meters from excavation of 17,753 household water pans.