

The Principal Secretary, State Department for Irrigation, CPA Ephantus Kimotho, CBS accompanied by Thika town, MP Hon. Alice Nga’ng’a and the National Irrigation Authority Chief Executive Officer Eng. Charles Muasya, MBS presided over a stakeholder engagement meeting in Ndula Magogoni Irrigation Project located in Thika town constituency, Kiambu County.

The project has faced challenges such as vandalism of the installed irrigation infrastructure that has delayed utilization of the project for the intended purpose of food production.

During the stakeholder engagement meeting, a way forward on addressing the challenges affecting the project, it’s completion, utilization and ownership was discussed and agreed upon.

The project aims to open up 1500acres under gravity-fed irrigation system to benefit 1000 farmers, enhance food security and improve the community’s livelihood.

The Authority is committed to ensure full implementation of the project so as increase area under irrigation and food production to enhance household income as espoused in the Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda.