Sustainable development is the pattern of resource use that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs as defined in the National Values and Principles of Governance booklet.
This national value is realised through implementation of organising principles designed to realise development goals without depleting natural resources. The desired result is a society where living conditions and resources continuously meet human needs without jeopardising the integrity and stability of the natural systems.
The National Irrigation Authority is mandated to provide and co-ordinate sustainable development and management of irrigation services in Kenya. This is achieved through its Strategic Plan, which is anchored in Sustainable Irrigation Development, Sustainable Irrigation Water Harvesting and Storage, Sustainable Irrigation Management and Irrigation Oriented Research
Some of the projects the Authority is implementing to achieve sustainability are Bura Irrigation Development project in Tana River County, Mwea Irrigation Development Project (Thiba Dam) in Kirinyaga County, Turkana Irrigation Development Programme, public irrigation schemes, Household Irrigation Water Storage Project and National Expanded Irrigation Programme. The Authority is doing this by embracing gravity fed irrigation system, piping water and lining of canals among others.
This is in an effort to increase productivity and contribute to the Big 4 Agenda on Food Security and Nutrition through manufacturing, affordable healthcare and proper housing. As an individual, group or company, what are you doing to ensure sustainable development in Kenya?