
Tunyo Irrigation Project

The Chairman of the Board, Hon. Eng. Joshua Toro visited Tunyo Irrigation Project located in Marakwet East Sub-county, Elgeyo – Marakwet County. He inspected the progress of the project and paid a courtesy call to the area Deputy County Commissioner Mr. Simon O. Osumba. The project being implemented by National Irrigation Authority supplies irrigation water to nine existing water furrows in four locations in the Kerio Valley. These furrows serve about 2,000 households currently irrigating approximately 1,500 acres.

The water has been beneficial for livestock and domestic use, especially during the dry seasons. The project has effectively addressed water losses through seepage and leakage, landslides that occur along steep sections of the furrow, and heavy frequent maintenance work done on the furrow especially considering that the beneficiaries reside far away from the area.

The intake for Tunyo Irrigation Project is located in Kipkunur forest at an altitude of 2,430m above sea level. The pipeline runs adjacent to the furrow, and then drops for approximately 50m between the intake and the main division box, having meandered for a distance of about 4.8 km. The source of water is the river Embobut.